Geri Spotlight: Andrea Gonzalez and Mitch Erickson
The Geriatrics Spotlight initiative fosters community building within the Division, especially during this age of hybrid/remote work where it can be challenging to find ways to interact with colleagues outside of your immediate teams. This is a way for Division members to learn more about all the wonderful work we’re doing!
This week, we get to know our division staff Andrea Gonzalez (pictured left) and Mitchel Erickson, NP (pictured right).

Role: Program Coordinator, Geriatrics Work Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Joined Division: 2019
Work site: Fully remote from Providence, RI
Email: [email protected]
Interviewed by Mitch Erickson via Zoom
About Andrea’s Role/Ongoing Projects
One project Andrea is currently working on is writing the Annual Performance Review Report required by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). This includes GWEP trainings and program accomplishments and demographic data; essentially anything touching the program is included in this report. She finds these projects exciting because they provide an opportunity for her to improve her report writing and enhancing her project management skills.
The Annual Performance Review Report highlights the diverse audiences and assists in securing funding for future geriatric education. The project includes community outreach for geriatric patients and clinicians to advance the Division’s mission of optimizing care of older adults through clinical care.
As GWEP Program Coordinator, Andrea creates all promotional materials and designs programing visual data presentations. The role also interfaces and presents to potential community partners. For example, Alameda County in home support services (IHSS) as one of the larger partners at this time.
Andrea’s favorite aspect about her role as GWEP Program Coordinator is its diverse responsibilities. Examples of skills exercised in the role include scheduling, graphic design, and moderating presentations. The HRSA grant is from 2019-2024.
What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Andrea would like to improve her Spanish fluency as well as improving her proficiency in business related topics to interact with diverse community partners. She has taken language classes for 2 months in Oaxaca, MX.
What are you happiest doing in your free time?
Andrea is happiest traveling and meeting new people holding different perspectives e.g., Oaxaca, MX. She loves to cook. Andrea attended U Mass for her Anthropology undergraduate degree and SF State University for her master’s degree in Public Health.

Role: Age-Friendly Emergency Department Advanced Practice Lead
Joined Division: 2020 (Has been at UCSF for 30 years and retired in 2019)
Work site: UCSF Parnassus
Email: [email protected]
Interviewed by Andrea Gonzalez via Zoom
About Mitch’s Role/Ongoing Projects
Mitch is currently working on optimizing the Age-Friendly Emeregency Department (AFED) program. This includes creating opportuniteis for any healthcare professional interested in geriatrics, to support interprofessional education. For the AFED, this means creating a model of care that improves the older adult experience and evaluation in the ED.
Mitch also has an ongoing research project. He loves investigation and specifically enjoys focusing on quality improvement.
These projects advance the Division mission of optimizing care of older adults through education, research, and clinical care. Optimizing the AFED aims to improve select outcomes for older adults presenting to the ED which coincidentally represent 33% of all patients coming to the ED.
Creating a great patient and caregiver experience and exciting health professionals regarding the uniqueness of geriatric care are Mitch’s favorite aspects of his role.
What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Mitch would like to publish his doctoral works about Geriatrics.
What’s one “fun fact” about you that not many people know? (e.g., hidden talent)
Mitch used to be an equestrian rider, showing jumpers. It was a very exciting time in his life!