Response to COVID-19
Louise Aronson Trained Student Volunteers to Help with DPH's SNF and RCFE and Board & Care Response
Louise Aronson, MD has trained 47 student volunteers from the SOM, SON, SOP and Graduate Division to help with DPH’s SNF response and 13 student volunteers to help with their RCFE and Board & Care response. Students have learned about these facilities, infection control, behavioral issues, staffing issues, how to conduct phone surveys and a bit about how DPH works.
COVID19 in Prisons: Podcast with Brie Williams, Adnan Khan, & Eric Maserati-E Abercrombie
Dr. Brie Williams was interviewed in this week's GeriPal podcast, entitled "COVID19 in Prisons: Podcast with Brie Williams, Adnan Khan, & Eric Maserati-E Abercrombie".
Brie Williams Interviewed & Quoted in “Experts expect more prison COVID-19 deaths without more testing”
Brie Williams, MD, MS was interviewed by The Charlotte Observer and quoted In the article entitled “Experts expect more prison COVID-19 deaths without more testing” saying “the necessary steps to limit the spread of disease include depopulation and test, test, test.” In addition to appearing in The Charlotte Observer, the story was also picked up by The Raleigh News & Observer, WBTV in C
Brie Williams and Cyrus Ahalt Publish “Prisons: Amplifiers of the COVID-19 Pandemic Hiding in Plain Sight”
Brie Williams, MD, MS and Cyrus Ahalt, MPP along with colleague Elizabeth Barnert, MD, MPH published an editorial in the American Journal of Public Health entitled “Prisons: Amplifiers of the COVID-19 Pandemic Hiding in Plain Sight” which explains why the inclusion of custodial settings in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a critical public health priority.
Drs. Widera and Witt Co-Authored AGS Position Statement
Eric Widera, MD and Leah Witt, MD were co-authors on the AGS position statement (and companion paper) focused on resource allocation in emergent situations that was published in JAGS on 5/6.
UCSF Division of Geriatrics Grand Rounds (Zoom Only) - COVID-19 and Older Adults: What have we learned? How can we do better?
UCSF Division of Geriatrics Grand Rounds (Zoom Only)
May 27, 2020 from 4-5pm Pacific Time
COVID-19 and Older Adults: What have we learned? How can we do better?
Rebecca Sudore Led an Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest Webinar
Rebecca Sudore, MD led an Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest Webinar on making advance care planning easier for diverse populations during the COVID-19 crisis. Check out the recording here.
Rebecca Sudore Interviewed in “Fearful of covid-19, older people are changing their living wills”
Rebecca Sudore, MD was interviewed in an article entitled “Fearful of covid-19, older people are changing their living wills” in The Washington Post.
Drs. Kotwal and Flint Publish on serious illness communication during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ashwin Kotwal, MD, MS and Lynn Flint, MD published an article "The New Normal: Key Considerations for Effective Serious Illness Communication Over Video or Telephone During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic" in Annals of Internal Medicine.
Brie Williams Interviewed in “There Is Only One Way to Prevent Mass Deaths in Prisons: Let Them Out”
Brie Williams, MD, MS was interviewed by The Nation and quoted in an article entitled “There Is Only One Way to Prevent Mass Deaths in Prisons: Let Them Out”.